Saturday, May 31, 2008

Endless summer

I have not died. I am, however, working 30 hours a week and putting in about 15 hours of classes, too. I am officially working overtime.

I knew these couple weeks of summer were going to be crazy, but I wasn't quite ready for this. I'm exhausted, and feel like I haven't had time to breath in a week.

Tuesday is my thesis defense. Which means that after going to clean up my kitchen and do a load of dishes, I have to, you know, actually finish my thesis. It's all written, but there are some minor edits to do. It won't be more than 2-3 hours of work, and I know it won't be that bad, but the prospect of doing it is just totally daunting.

After that is over, although I will still have two insane weeks left, at least one major thing will be off my plate. It's something.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

El Thesiso

Dear Thesis Beast,

I have slain you. I love to watch you writhe in pain and die.


Translation: The thesis is finished...or at least, the rough draft of it. I can live again! More importantly, I can return about 20 books to the library!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Dear guy behind me in line at the grocery store,

You are probably right, that I should have noticed you only had one thing and let you check out in front of me. I wasn't thinking. However, that does NOT make it appropriate for you to accuse me of "helping my kind" by "letting the woman in front of me go." I didn't let her go -- she actually was in line first. Just like I was in line in front of you.

A couple suggestions. If you don't want to wait in line to pay for your one thing, do a better job making a list next time you go grocery shopping, and avoid the subsequent one-item trip. Also, leave the race card out of things. We're all the same "kind." Jerk.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Perfect Job

Yesterday, I applied for the perfect job (for me) for next year. I was checking out employment opportunities at the Affianced's institution of higher learning, and found a posting for the administrative assistant for LGBTQA services. (For the unaware, that is one of the many various acronyms used to designate the sexual minority population). Basically, the job would entail keeping up the drop-in space for LGBTQA services, doing general reception and administrative work, and helping out with activities and such. Which is perfect, because I have been working this year in a University setting and have a good idea of how things function, AND I would get to work with students in a very helpful way.

I told Kathryn yesterday, "I hope this is one of those instances where God provides the perfect opportunity and it all works out, and not one of those instances where he dangles something tempting in front of you and snatches it away so it can be a growing experience." I'm trying not to get my hopes up, and am mostly succeeding (there are, after all, other jobs out there), but it just seems like the right thing for where I am right now -- something I'm qualified to do, regarding a population I'm interested in and have been studying, and something that is helpful to others, which I think is really important.

So, fingers crossed.