Friday, August 15, 2008

Getting Outdoors

When I was younger, my brother would constantly berate me for sitting in front of the computer while he played outside. He was right -- I was a pretty pasty and un-fit child and teenager. On the other hand, I could carry and tuba and march, so I guess I wasn't totally lazy.

In this move to Vermont, I've been trying to be a little active and enjoy the beautiful weather of what I'm told will be a short summer -- just yesterday, as I was signing paperwork for my new job, the director's office had a beautiful breeze blowing through that just screamed "AUTUMN!" This morning, I decided to go out on a "long" bike ride down to Burlington along the bikepath. I ended up doing about 7 miles, which isn't really that far by bike, but made me feel good. I also got to see Lake Champlain -- it's no ocean, but I'm thrilled to be living in a town "on the water" nonetheless.

See those mountains in the background? How much more beautiful could this get?

I'm feeling pretty lucky about my new location, and my new job, and I'm also feeling pretty psyched about the fact that I plan on taking this same bike ride tomorrow to go to the Farmer's Market in Burlington. Weekend goal: stew. I figure I might as well take advantage of weather that already feels like fall, local produce, and my beloved Crock-pot and do something useful and hearty this weekend. Updates on said stew to come.

The rest of today has been spent lazily watching the Game Show Network, reading my new Marie Claire that came in the mail today, and napping. Work starts Monday, but vacation is so very nice.

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