Saturday, November 22, 2008

Name change update

Today, I was talking to George, and he asked, "Hey, what's your last name?"

Clearly, it is still WXXXXX, but he was asking about the post-wedding name decision.

"It's undecided," I told him.
"Well, that's less decisive that the last time I talked. Look at you, turning traditional and anti-Vermont on us."
While that sunk in, I realized he thought I was deciding between hyphenating or taking the Affianced's name. "Uh, no...the decision is between hyphenating or not changing at all."
" you are going all Vermont on us."
"Well, good luck with that.


Ann said...

As with most things in life, do what works best for you. Life is so short and in the end the name decision is not so important. Just make a happy home.

Astra Libris said...

Becky, what a great story - it made me giggle... :-) I like how you described the options as "vermont" and "anti-vermont..." :-) I agree with your Mom, too - very wise words!

P.S. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who would think of turning a cat into a kangaroo... :-) Yay for great minds! :-)