Monday, January 14, 2008


That's how long it's been, and although it may feel as if I have dropped you like a hotcake, oh bloggie-poo, that is not in fact that case. Rather, in the midst of my break from school I took a mental break as well, and that involved dropping all things that could possibly remind me of school, which include writing.

Yet much has happened! Christmas was nice and busy and full of much Christmas bounty, including some new clothes and a giant can of Scotch broth soup, courtesy of Mumsie. And a new watch, which is fantastic, as I am finally rid of the cycle of "I bought a cute new watch that was cheap at Target because I'm frugal but, uh-oh, there it goes breaking so I've really bought five in the last year, thus costing me the same as one good watch."

After the trip home, I went to the snowy wonderland of Vermont to see the Affianced. While there, we did many fun things, such as get my engagement ring fixed (silly setting kept bending but now it is straight and new and shiny and beautiful!), take the "Foccus" survey to make sure we are compatible in churchy ways before getting married (we are, no formal counseling needed), began wedding registries and...most excitingly...we had engagement pictures taken!

Since he and I don't reside in the same state, we don't have a ton of pictures of the two of us, so it is nice to have a big set to choose from. He also got me fantastical present for Christmas, such as:

My favorite movie in the ENTIRE WORLD on DVD...

A new robe, which I am seen here modeling...

And an electric toothbrush with a timer that shuts off after the two minutes of recommended brushing time.

Am I a lucky girl or what?

1 comment:

Ann said...

You look like a million, no wait, a billion bucks in your new robe. I am, however, a tad bit puzzled by the toothbrush. Is he trying to tell you something or does he just love your smile so much that he wants you to keep those teeth intact? Oh wait, I have it.....Unlike the Sound of Music children who wore clothes made of draperies (not unlike Scarlett from Gone with the Wind), Andy wanted you to wear a nice, new robe. And so that you look your best when modeling the new robe on the Victoria's Secret runway or singing "Edelweiss" to all of your gifted kids, your teeth will shine like the top of the Chrysler building.
Oh, that Andy! You two are so well suited.