Friday, September 28, 2007

But...It's My Name!

Today, I called George to talk to him about a banking decision I was considering (yes, I'm 24 years old and still consult my father about all financial matters). Before we got to that part of the conversation, however, his reply to my hello was "Becky? Becky Wxxxxx? Or Becky Pxxxxx?" to which I responses "Becky Wxxxxx-Pxxxxx." Thus ensued an interesting conversation about my future married name that went something like this:

"Are you going to be hyphenated?"
"Yeah, I think I am."
"But maybe you could just drop Marie and make Wxxxxx your middle name."
"I offered that option to Andy if he also made Wxxxxx his middle name."
(Slightly confused silence). "Maybe you could just give in and take Pxxxxx."
"Would you have given up your name when you got married?"
"Well, as a male, I wasn't asked to, so I can't really say. And I can't answer as a female, that wouldn't be fair. I don't really know. What about your children?"
"They'll just be Pxxxxxs."
"But do you really want to have a different last name as them?"
"Well, I considered doing the two last names, no hyphen thing (Becky Wxxxxx Pxxxxx), but I figured that would be too confusing. And I feel like hyphenating identifies me with my children more than just keeping my own name would."
"Actually, the two last names might be a good decision. That way, as you become more acclimated to Pxxxxx, you can just phase out Wxxxxx."
"Or I could keep both my names."
"Well, you might decide in a couple years to just go with Pxxxxx. But you could always do another name change if you do make that decision."
"Well, see, George, I didn't feel so strongly about my name until everyone called me that for two years. I mean, I was Ms. Wxxxxx every day at school for a long time."
"So it's kind of an identity thing?"
"I guess. And also, I know some people don't care much for their family or had a bad childhood, but I like my family alright. I don't really want to get rid of Wxxxxx."
"Well, that's good...Do you think there's some sense of irony that the name you're trying so hard to maintain comes from a relatively stubborn line of people?" (This thought really tickles George, and he is absolutely belly laughing)
"I'm sure Lois would agree."

It was a very interesting conversation, and there were many times when I felt like Dad was just totally missing my point. However, I respect the fact that 1) He didn't try to pretend he would know what he would have done had he been the female in his own marriage situation and 2) Despite the fact that I know he thinks it's silly for me to hyphenate or keep my own name, he's still being supportive of it.

1 comment:

Sarah Reinhard said...

I was laughing pretty hard at this. It made me remember the conversation with my HUSBAND that I had...

Ah, to be young again...