Friday, April 4, 2008

Like a Student...

...Oh! Working for the very first time.

Although I would not go so far as to say that my graduate school experience has suddenly become full of fulfilling work and assignments, I will give it credit for attacking me from all sides at once and, finally, making me feel busy. This is what being a student feels like -- too much to do, not enough time to do it, making time management an absolute necessity. Next week, I have something due in every class, plus my own personal goal of getting a hefty chunk of my thesis done (the ever dreaded Lit Review). I have to admit, despite the slight feeling of floundering in the insanity, I kind of like where things are right now. I'm diving into academia at the moment, putting together two papers and two presentations, and making something useful (if for a brief time) out of this relatively useless experience.

Yesterday at work, we had a "celebration lunch" for "all that we've accomplished over the past semester." It was nice to NOT be at work for a couple hours, yet still with work people. Also, Dr. Van Tassel-Baska, the head honcho, was there, and she mentioned to me the prize that I had won -- the "Award for Excellence in Gifted Education (Master's)." She wanted to make sure I had gotten the invitation to the ceremony, etc. I still haven't gotten any kind of description of what the award is -- how they choose people, what they look for, etc -- but I am pleased to be recognized. AND, the award has money attached. Which hadn't even occurred to me, but was the first question everyone else asks. I don't know how much, but I will gladly accept it. It does, I have to admit, make me feel good to be picked out for the work I've done here, since I do feel I have academic potential, even if it's not being fully recognized.

Alas, time now to jump into that student thing.

1 comment:

Sarah Reinhard said...

Dare I say that this juggling act you're doing now - and enjoying - is a taste of life with young children? Or, for that matter, life in general? I think certain people (am I assuming too much to hint that you might be part of this club?) are happier when there is good work to do, and much of it.

Congrats on your award! Heard about it from the Mommycakes, but hadn't gotten a chance (read as: haven't TAKEN the chance) to send you official congrats from me.

And one more thought (you bring out the thinks in me, dear Rebecky!): until you find your happy place (or I guess we could call it a niche and use clichey words...), you won't feel totally like you've tapped your potential. It took me YEARS to find mine, and it's still a search-in-progress. Do I sound too religiousy to suggest that perhaps God plants little seeds, and then waters them through our lives, and as they sprout and bloom we find out more and more what we're called to do?

If so, forgive me. With the sun shining and the birds chirping on this chilly spring morning, it's the metaphor that's working for me. :)