This meme has been flying around on facebook, and I figured I may as well post it here as well. It was a good opportunity for some self-reflection:
1) I love food. I also love cooking and baking, thankfully.
2) I am extremely thankful that my parents raised us Catholic. I have a couple major beefs with the Catholic church (including their stand on homosexuality and women in the priesthood), but my faith has been a big part of my life.
3) I crochet, and have gotten to the point where I can create things like sweaters and stuffed animals. Huge move from the old scarf rut.
4) I'm terrible at bowling...and I love it.
5) My life was empty before I began sleeping under an electric blanket.
6) I'm in the midst of a Vermont winter, and while it is causing a slight touch of SAD, I really am enjoying the snow after several years in the south.
7) Speaking of the south, I will never live there again.
8) I love my job teaching at an alternative high school. I think I have found my calling.
9) I think that doing good in the world is really important, but I hate when people get mushy about doing service. I don't want to reflect, I want to take action.
10) I must wear a watch at all times. I get extremely anxious if the time is not readily available.
11) I give blood regularly. I am type A+.
12) I want a Ph. D., but don't have any topic I like well enough to dedicate that much of my time and energy to.
13) When I was younger, I wanted to be a genetic counselor when I grew up. One semester of college chem changed my mind, but I still think it would be a cool job, and I'm not convinced you need the high-level science knowledge to perform it.
14) I miss my old SLR camera.
15) I always considered (and still do) myself to be very independent, which is why I felt cool traipsing around to places like Ireland, Australia, Lousiana, Virginia, and Vermont. Now that I'm an adult, thought, I totally get why people want to live close to family. I miss my zany parents and my brothers.
16) I don't do musical snobbery. I like to listen to music, and I certainly have my faves, but I hate sitting in on conversations where people just spit out hundreds of names of bands and artists and everyone else nods and "yeah!"s with great emphasis. I could also really care less about live music in general. I mean, if someone good is playing, cool, but "It has live music!" is not an advantage of a bar/restaurant for me.
17) I love trivia. Andy and I are well on our way to memorizing the deck of the 1981 Genus edition of Trivial Pursuit. We also watch Jeopardy nightly.
18) I am extremely grateful that my husband is intelligent in ways that are different from me.
19) For the first time in my life, I really GET the idea of multiple intelligences and see it playing around me daily. I mean, I understood it before, but didn't really see the true worth in the intelligences that weren't the typical school ones (i.e. linguistic and logical/mathematical). In my current job, however, there are teachers and students who blow me away with the combinations of intelligences they possess, and I think they're all amazing in the ways they work together to get things done.
20) I tap-danced for 11 years.
21) When I watch a stage performance, especially a musical, I feel a swelling in my chest and feel as if I will burst. I'm pretty sure that given the right circumstances, I could have been an amazing stage actress in musical theater.
22) I agonized for months over whether to change my name when I got married. I think I made a good choice.
23) I don't believe in soulmates or The One.
24) I address my parents by their first name.
25) I desperately wish I had a sewing machine and knew how to use one. My craftiness productivity would skyrocket.
I love this post, and I love that you did it as a post and not on Facebook. Sad confession: I haven't read it BY ANYBODY on FB. Really. But I read ALL of this. :)
That's it. I could start discussing the specifics, but I'm really just here to leave you some love in the combox. :)
I know the "swelling in the chest" feeling. I had no idea you felt that, too. Maybe we should take our show on the road.
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