Friday, January 23, 2009

Give Life

Today, I got a bumper sticker for my car. This is a big deal for me. Growing up, George (my father) was very anti-bumper sticker. We would bring home the "My child is an honor student" stickers, and he would say "Oh, great!" and discreetly put them away in a stack in a drawer. Marring the outside of the car was a no-no.

But now I have a car. I dipped my toes into the pool of bumper stickers when I put the "Covered by the blood of Jesus" magnet on the back of my car. I admit to doing it somewhat in jest, but I keep it on there still today as a reminder of my crazy time in the South. Today, however, I found the bumper sticker that I feel confident I can put on my car without regret: a "Got Blood?" Red Cross blood donation sticker.

I've become a frequent blood donor over the last couple years. It began in Louisiana when they desperately needed blood after Hurricane Katrina. My good friend Rebecca was going, and asked me to come along. I said "Sure," and was hooked.

Giving blood is a nice feeling. I feel grateful that I can do it without passing out. I enjoy seeing how quickly I can fill my pint bag (in a safe way, of course: 5 minutes, 55 seconds today!). I like the rhythm of the Blood Donation Center here in town: people making packets of bags and tubes, people called into and out of the screening room, the friendly volunteer insisting you sit for ten minutes and eat a donut (Well, if I must). I also secretly adore walking out with a neon-colored bandage around my arm. It's a peaceful place, and ours is run efficiently, which I appreciate.

But beyond that, I think I like the idea that it's so simple to do something good. It's an easy act of giving, one that doesn't take a lot of time or money, but one that can have a huge impact. I don't think too often about where my blood goes, but to the people getting a tranfusion, I recognize it's a lifeline. Sometimes literally.

So I think I'll take the plunge, and put that sticker on my car. I may regret it if I ever want to sell the car, but for now, I'm pleased to have found a sticker I feel happy about.

1 comment:

christopher said...

Like my father, I also refuse the bumper stickers. Although I DID give in , just a little, for my 7 year old's "Dont Mess with Texas" window sticker she got with her Girl Scout badge. It's on the rear side window and is obscured by the back seat and seat belt casing, almost invisible to anyone looking. almost ... Going to have to remove it soon though, it just EATS at me knowing it's there! LOL